Image List and Media Info:

Infrasonic I: Springtime with Rain, 2007 – Pencil on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic I: Springtime with Rain, 2007 – Acrylics on Canvas, 4ft x 6ft
Infrasonic II: Cloud Walker, 2007 – Pencil on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic II: Cloud Walker, 2008 – Acrylics on Canvas 4ft x 5ft
Infrasonic III: Tsunami Run, 2007 – Pencil on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic III: Tsunami Run, 2008 – Acrylics on Canvas, 4ft x 6ft
Infrasonic IV: Joy to the World, 2008 – Pencil and Conte on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic IV: Joy to the World, 2008 – Acrylics on Canvas 4ft x 5ft
Infrasonic V: Cloud Dancer, 2008 – Pencil and Conte on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic V: Cloud Dancer, 2008 – Acrylics on Canvas 4ft x 5ft
Infrasonic VI: Hello, 2008 – Pencil and Conte on BFK Rives, 30in x 42in
Infrasonic VI: Hello, 2009 – Acrylics on Canvas 4ft x 5ft

Please contact me here for more info. Love to hear from you. Roberta

(click thumbnail for image; when displayed, press image to toggle title and date)